Songs of Life, Love & Laughter

Everything from kids to karaoke....these are my petty ramblings

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bernie Dream Phone

I wasn't going to write about this because it's weird and people think I'm weird enough already, without confirming it for them.

But I told some people and they thought it was freaky -- but they also thought it was cool. So, at the risk of being shunned as a loonie (even more than I am now), here goes:

While The Perfect Man is in China, we communicate using Skype. During the evening on Tuesday, I kept Skype open on the computer in the office at home and cranked the volume so I would hear any alerts. Just before I went to bed, I turned the speakers off but left Skype running so The Perfect Man could write little love notes to me (as he often does).

Yesterday, something woke me up at 5:09 am. I wasn't sure what it was but thought it could have been a door opening or something falling. I picked up my cell phone and watched out the door in case I saw a light come on and I listened to see if I could hear anything else. I stayed that way until about 5:20 am, then figured it was one of the cats that made the noise. I tried to go back to sleep. Uh uh. No way. I tried until about 5:40 am and then thought I'd get up because I get up at 6:00 am anyway.

I went through my usual ritual:
  • pick up book and exit bedroom

  • go into spare bedroom and open blinds for the cats

  • go into bathroom and [removed for modesty's sake]

  • go into living room and turn on lights and put book down

  • go into kitchen and turn on lights, open curtains, and take pill

  • go into office, fire up the computer, sit down and check the usual stuff

WTF?!? There, as big as the computer screen would allow it to be, was a message from The Perfect Man.

Left at 5:09 am.

I checked the speakers -- they were off.


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