Song's Gift To Me

I know of a drop-in group for young teens who are living on their own with no families and no family support. They meet once a week and have guests and they learn things like budgeting. Once in a while, they get to do fun things. They had a couple of fund raisers for themselves and earned money to go to Canada's Wonderland as a group.
Peter and I volunteered our services and ran karaoke for a night back in May. It touched me on so many levels. I think the best part of it, for me, was watching the kids support and encourage each other. There was not one single "boo" when someone went off-key. There was a lot of laughter and several mighty cheers as each person finished singing. I choked up many times while I was standing back and watching.
Today, I received one of the best emails I think I have ever recevied. The drop-in just celebrated it's first anniversary. The kids were asked to vote and our karaoke night was selected as Favourite Guest/Activity and they've asked us back.
Those who know me, know that I revel in giving the gift of song. It's why I run karaoke. Every once in a while, song gives me a gift back. This is one of those times.
Labels: From The Heart
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