Choke the Chicken

The building I work in has undergone some major renovations. So major, that we're having a "Grand Reopening and Rededication" Ceremony. All the mucky-mucks will be touring so we all have to make sure that our offices our cleaned and our half-naked fireman calendars are out of sight.
Management has hired someone to put "artwork" up on our walls. Some woman poked her head in my office yesterday, and despite the fact that I was on the phone she asked "Do you want a goose or a pelican?" I pointed to the phone. "Oh sorry" she said. Then continued "I just wondered if you wanted a goose or a pelican". This time I covered the phone and said, "I'm on the phone." Good. Now she understands. "Oh. Okay. Just tell me if you want a goose or a pelican."
I swear, I am not making this up.
I asked my called to hold for a moment and I said, "I have absolutely no opinion one way or another. You can do whatever you want." Then I got up and closed my office door.
She put the goose up (the first picture above). That picture is a copy of the actual print that's hanging outside my office door. Everytime I look at it, I think of men masturbating (choking the chicken).
She put the goose up (the first picture above). That picture is a copy of the actual print that's hanging outside my office door. Everytime I look at it, I think of men masturbating (choking the chicken).
I actually got off easy. A vast majority (at least 98%) of the prints hanging in our building are birds. Of those, probably 80% are birds killing other animals (the second picture above). Most of them are pretty dark and some of them are actually pretty scary for adults.
Keep in mind that I work in an industry and has much contact with children. Children who will walk through our halls. Children who have already witnessed too much in their short lives.
EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed that there is a second goose in the print and he actually appears to be giving "head" to the first goose. For the love of humanity....
Labels: Does Not Compute
Zo Kimberly. Vhy don't you lie down on zie couch und I vill show you some other piktures and you can tell me vas you see in zehm!
Are you telling me you don't see it? YOU??!!!??
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