Songs of Life, Love & Laughter

Everything from kids to karaoke....these are my petty ramblings

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

You Say Potato

When I was in grade one, my parents bought a camping trailer. After school on a Friday, we packed up the car and we headed off for a fun-filled weekend of camping. I caught my first fish that weekend. On Sunday, we packed the car back up and headed home; exhausted, but happy.

My teacher had us all tell each other what we did on the weekend. When my turn arrived, this exchange took place (more or less):

Me: We took our new trailer [from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada] to California for the weekend.

Teacher: You took your trailer where?

Me: California.

Teacher: I don't think that's possible, Kimberly. California is too far away.

Me: No it's not. That's where we went.

The teacher allowed me to continue my tale and I told everyone about my fish.

She was perplexed though. Before that day, I was not generally known to tell "stories" so she called my mom. She asked my mom why on earth I would be insisting tha we had driven to California for the weekend. Mom started laughing hysterically.

"We didn't go to California for the weekend. We went to Caledonia."



At February 8, 2007 at 6:36 p.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

I had a similar story about the time my high school shop teacher and I went to "Inappropriate Touching Land". Turns out, it was just a motel room on Highway 6.

At February 9, 2007 at 8:16 a.m. , Blogger Bernie said...



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